May 2022
The SPS 100 Wins ASB Innovation 2020 Award
The Burford® Smart Pattern Splitter utilizes low pressure water to provide split top bakery products. The model SPS 1000 is designed to produce a wide variety of patterns by “splitting” the tops of proofed [...]
February 2019
Burford Finds New Vice President of Sales from Within
Burford Corp. is pleased to announce the promotion of Clay Miller to Vice President of Sales. Clay’s career with Burford started in 2001 when he was hired just one year out of college as a [...]
May 2016
2016 Freedom Award Finalist
D.C. — Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve(ESGR), a Department of Defense office, has selected the Burford Corporation, in Maysville, Oklahoma, as a finalist for the 2016 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award [...]
September 2015
Fred Springer Honored with The Robert A. Fischer Distinguished Service Award
At BakingTech 2013, Fred Springer, President and Chief Executive Officer of Burford Corp., was named recipient of the Robert A. Fischer Distinguished Service Award by the American Society of Baking. The Robert A. Fischer [...]