The SPS 100 Wins ASB Innovation 2020 Award

sps_1000_wins_asb_innovation_award_2020The Burford® Smart Pattern Splitter utilizes low pressure water to provide split top bakery products. The model SPS 1000 is designed to produce a wide variety of patterns by “splitting” the tops of proofed dough on high speed automated lines.

This system has the ability to change from one programmed pattern to the next with simple variety selections and gun positioning adjustments. It can in certain cases eliminate the need for knife cuts which come with inherent safety risks. It also can increase production rates on what was previously a slow or even manual splitting process to achieve these types of designs.

This new model incorporates servo control of the reciprocating dual action splitter heads to provide unique patterns not previously achieved. It adds a great amount of flexibility to automated bakery lines which in turn allow marketing departments to be creative with their customers. All of this while keeping up with high speed rates and fitting into tight spaces on existing lines. It’s one thing to design a system for a Greenfield project, however it’s entirely different to tackle the challenge of creating a solution that can work in a variety of existing plants.

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2022-05-18T17:16:08-05:00May 18th, 2022|Awards|

2016 Freedom Award Finalist

esgr_2016_freedom_nomineebadgeD.C. — Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve(ESGR), a Department of Defense office, has selected the Burford Corporation, in Maysville, Oklahoma, as a finalist for the 2016 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award (commonly referred to as the “Freedom Award”).

Since 1961, Burford Corporation has been designing and creating some of the highest quality commercial bakery equipment around the globe, including commercial bag closures, water splitters, pan shakers, plus bakery toppers, seeders and sprayers.

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2017-05-30T04:35:54-05:00May 16th, 2016|Awards, News|

Fred Springer Honored with The Robert A. Fischer Distinguished Service Award

At BakingTech 2013, Fred Springer, President and Chief Executive Officer of Burford Corp., was named recipient of the Robert A. Fischer Distinguished Service Award by the American Society of Baking.

The Robert A. Fischer Distinguished Service Award, created in 1999, recognizes outstanding service and leadership by an individual to the Society. It is awarded annually and presented during the ASB’s annual BakingTech conference. Any current ASB member may submit a nominee for consideration by filling out the online form, or you may download the form, print it out and send to the ASB Office. Nominees are reviewed and elected within ASB’s Executive Committee.

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2022-05-23T12:22:21-05:00September 9th, 2015|Awards, News|
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